

Creating an active alumni network is essential to an institution’s development and success. Good alumni relationships bring many benefits both to the institution and to the alumni.

Institution has a special connection with alumni. With their active participation institution is capable of improving the quality of education and overall development of the institution.

Alumni are our most loyal supporters and our best ambassadors, offering invaluable marketing and promotion across their personal and professional networks.

In Our institution alumni association established during the year 2012-13 From the year of establishment and till now association has been actively participated in the academic activities.

The alumni association has conduct meeting twice in a year. First meeting held on beginning of the academic year. And second meeting held on the ending of the academic year.  In its first meeting association chalk out a brief plan and programs to be conducted by the alumni’s and at the second meeting the programs and activities which had been if there any demerits, actions have taken place in the future to correct it.

The alumni association contribute through non-financial mode to the growth and development of the institution. Talented and Rank alumni will likely have a wealth of experience and skills to share with current students via Seminars, Special lectures, Quiz competitions etc. They have also honoring the current students those who are taken and participated actively in the activities conducted by the association.

Alumni also donate their valuable time to offer career support to current   students through career guidance classes.

In this way alumni association of our institution contribute significantly towards the overall growth.  In future days’ institution have many plans to coordinate the association both in financial and non-financial mode.